Call for Writing Group Members Opinion Paper on OASIS

The IUGA Research & Development Committee is seeking for 3 to 5 volunteers to contribute to the development of an opinion paper on the Mode of Subsequent Delivery After Obstetrical Anal Sphincter Injuries (OASIS).

Obstetrical Anal Sphincter Injuries (OASIS) are severe perineal lacerations, which have a significant impact on quality of life. The rates of OASIS have been increasing worldwide due to improved awareness, recognition, and reporting. Sixty percent of women with OASIS have a subsequent pregnancy.1 When these women conceive again, they are faced with a dilemma regarding the most appropriate mode of delivery. Although counseling about mode of delivery influenced decision in 34.9% of women,2 there is a large variation in clinical practice and advice provided to women.3 Currently, there are no Randomized Controlled Trials that assess the optimal mode of delivery for subsequent pregnancy post-OASIS and such a trial would not be feasible.4 A 2017 systematic review and meta-analysis by Webb et al. concluded that due to sample size, quality, and heterogeneity of available studies, the optimal mode of delivery for women with previous OASIS remains unknown.5 While most women are good candidates for vaginal delivery,5 there is evidence that women with prior OASIS are more likely to have an elective cesarean section.6

PICO Question: ““What is the recommended mode of subsequent delivery for women with previous Obstetrical Anal Sphincter Injuries (OASIS)?”

  • Population: women with previous OASIS based on grade – major (3c or 4th) or minor (3a or 3b)

  • Intervention: subsequent mode of delivery

  • Comparison: mode of delivery (vaginal delivery; spontaneous or instrumental, vs cesarean section)

  • Outcome Measures:

    • Impact of subsequent delivery on pelvic floor dysfunction; anorectal symptoms, sexual function, and quality of life
    • Women’s regret about subsequent mode of delivery and factors influencing this decision
    • Incidence of recurrent OASIS

This project is expected to begin in August 2022 and conclude by August 2023.

Contributor Expectations:
- The manuscript will be developed using a collaborative process that requires regular communication via email, possible conference calls, and completion of assignments.
- Contributors will produce and deliver all completed assignments and required information on or before the agreed deadlines.
- Contributors will disclose all potential conflicts of interest (see Conflict of Interest Policy here). 

Current IUGA members are eligible to apply.

How to Apply:
Please submit the following to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by Wednesday, June 8, 2022:
1. A letter of interest that includes your qualifications and experience related to this topic
2. Your CV
3. Complete the Disclosure Form

Application Deadline:
Applications must be received by 11:59pm CET on Wednesday, June 8, 2022


  1. Fradet-Menard C, Deparis J, Gachon B, Sichitiu J, Pierre F, Fritel X, et al. Obstetrical anal sphincter injuries and symptoms after subsequent deliveries: A 60 patient study. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 2018;226:40-6.
  2. Edwards M, Kobernik EK, Suresh S, Swenson CW. Do women with prior obstetrical anal sphincter injury regret having a subsequent vaginal delivery? BMC Pregnancy Childbirth. 2019;19(1):225.
  3. Sangalli MR, Floris L, Faltin D, Weil A. Anal incontinence in women with third or fourth degree perineal tears and subsequent vaginal deliveries. Aust N Z J Obstet Gynaecol. 2000;40(3):244-8.
  4. van der Vlist M, Oom D, van Rosmalen J, van Ovost A, Hogewoning C. Parturition mode recommendation and symptoms of pelvic floor disorders after obstetric anal sphincter injuries. Int Urogynecol J. 2020;31(11):2353-9.
  5. Webb SS, Yates D, Manresa M, Parsons M, MacArthur C, Ismail KM. Impact of subsequent birth and delivery mode for women with previous OASIS: systematic review and meta-analysis. Int Urogynecol J. 2017;28(4):507-14.
  6. Jha S, Parker V. Risk factors for recurrent obstetric anal sphincter injury (rOASI): a systematic review and meta-analysis. Int Urogynecol J. 2016;27(6):849-57.

Call for Writing Group Members Opinion Paper on MUI

The IUGA Research & Development Committee is seeking for 3 to 5 volunteers to contribute to the development of an opinion paper on Mixed Urinary Incontinence.

Mixed urinary incontinence (MUI) is defined by the IUGA and ICS as the complaint of involuntary leakage of urine associated with urgency and also with exertion, effort, sneezing or coughing. It therefore implies the coexistence of both stress urinary incontinence (SUI) and urgency urinary incontinence (UUI). It is a very heterogeneous diagnosis which requires an assessment of its individual components including stress urinary incontinence, urgency, frequency, nocturia and urgency incontinence. Though the definition does not include overactive bladder (urgency, frequency, nocturia), these would be considered as part of the assessment of MUI. Urodynamic diagnosis, however, would rely on demonstrating both detrusor overactivity and urodynamic stress incontinence. Management will require an individualised approach to the symptom components. The aim of this paper is to inform evidence-based counseling for women who have MUI regarding assessments/investigations and management options.

PICO Question: “What is the recommended assessments/investigations and management of MUI?”

  • Population:  women with MUI
  • Intervention: assessments/investigations with focus on management of MUI
  • Comparison: women with pure SUI or pure UUI
  • Outcome Measures: diagnosis of MUI and Improvement of symptoms of MUI

This project is expected to begin in August 2022 and conclude by August 2023.

Contributor Expectations:
- The manuscript will be developed using a collaborative process that requires regular communication via email, possible conference calls, and completion of assignments.
- Contributors will produce and deliver all completed assignments and required information on or before the agreed deadlines.
- Contributors will disclose all potential conflicts of interest (see Conflict of Interest Policy here). 

Current IUGA members are eligible to apply.

How to Apply:
Please submit the following to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by Wednesday, June 8, 2022:
1. A letter of interest that includes your qualifications and experience related to this topic
2. Your CV
3. Complete the Disclosure Form

Application Deadline:
Applications must be received by 11:59pm CET on Wednesday, June 8, 2022


Call for Writing Group Members Opinion Paper on ODS

The IUGA Research & Development Committee is seeking for 3 to 5 volunteers to contribute to the development of an opinion paper on Obstructed Defecation Syndrome: Management of Clinical and Proctographic rectoceles and early grade rectorectal intussusception.

Posterior vaginal prolapse (rectocele) is a common morphological condition in patients with Obstructive Defecation Syndrome. Typical symptoms include Incomplete Evacuation, Transanal or Transvaginal Digitation and Soiling. Diagnosis of posterior vaginal prolapse is made clinically. Functional assessment of posterior vaginal prolapse can be performed by dynamic imaging, e.g. by defecating proctograms or magnetic resonance (MR) defecography.

The review focuses on the treatment options of women with Posterior Vaginal Prolapse presenting with Obstructed Defecation Syndrome either on clinical examination or on imaging. The writing group will review the literature on the management of women with Posterior Vaginal Wall Prolapse whose predominant presenting symptom is obstructed defecation. The review will involve the assessment and treatment of Obstructed Defecation in the remit of a urogynecologist.

The outcome of Transvaginal Repair of Posterior Vaginal Prolapse as a safe and effective first line treatment in women with marked obstructed defecation will be evaluated.


  • Population: Women with Obstructed Defecation Syndrome and with various stages of Posterior Vaginal Prolapse on clinical examination.
  • Intervention: Conservative management/medical treatment/Posterior vaginal repair with various techniques (midline fascial plication or defect specific repair)/ Ventral Mesh Rectopexy.
  • Comparison: Women with Obstructed Defecation without a clinically evident posterior vaginal wall prolapse and have a radiologically evident rectocele or rectorectal intussuseption undergoing any of the above treatments.
  • Outcome measures: Improvement of Obstructed Defecation Syndrome.

Timeline: This project is expected to begin in September 2022 and conclude by September 2023.

Contributor Expectations:
- The manuscript will be developed using a collaborative process that requires regular communication via email, possible conference calls, and completion of assignments.
- Contributors will produce and deliver all completed assignments and required information on or before the agreed deadlines.
- Contributors will disclose all potential conflicts of interest (see Conflict of Interest Policy here). 

Current IUGA members are eligible to apply.

How to Apply:
Please submit the following to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by Monday August 8, 2022:
1. A letter of interest that includes your qualifications and experience related to this topic
2. Your CV
3. Complete the Disclosure Form

Application Deadline:
Applications must be received by 11:59pm CET on Monday August 8, 2022


IUGA members may submit their survey to IUGA for review and approval for distribution. For more information about survey dissemination, please review the IUGA Survey Dissemination Policy.

About the Committees

IUGA Committees are responsible for the development and management of all IUGA projects and activities. Membership on IUGA's committees is open to all interested physicians, non-physicians, and physicians in training who hold current membership in IUGA. The intent is for committee membership to mirror the geographic diversity of the IUGA Membership. Members are limited to serving on only one committee at any given time, with the exception of Fellows, Trainees & Early Career Professionals Committee members who may also be assigned to another committee to represent the trainee perspective across the organization. We are dependent on the expertise and time our committee members voluntarily contribute. 

There are currently 13 established IUGA Committees:

2020 Call for Nominations

Nominations for the elected positions listed below will be accepted from May 11, 2020 until 11:59pm CDT on August 10, 2020. The term for each of these positions will begin January 1, 2021.

Board of Directors
Vice President – 2-year term, then ascends to President
Treasurer – 2-year term, renewable once

International Advisory Board (IAB)
Europe Representative – 3-year term, non-renewable
Northern America Representative – 3-year term, non-renewable
Latin America & Caribbean Representative - 3-year term, non-renewable

Committee Chairs
Scientific Committee Chair – 2-year term, non-renewable
Terminology and Standardization Committee Chair – 2-year term, renewable once

Nominating Committee
Nominating Committee Member-at-Large (2 members) – 2-year term, non-renewable

Scientific Committee
Scientific Committee Member (5 members) – 3-year term, renewable once

Nomination Process
As specified in the by-laws, the Nominating Committee will receive all nominations, will review them and will present the proposed nominees at the IUGA Annual Business Meeting in September.  Nominations will also be taken from the floor during the Annual Business Meeting. The Nominating Committee may add additional nominees if it is considered by the Committee to be in the best interest of the association.

Nominations may be submitted by any IUGA member in good standing, including the nominee him or herself. A member may be a candidate for only one position. Those making nominations are asked to reflect on the qualifications related to the position for which they are nominating themselves or a candidate. Qualifications for each position are listed below.

Self-nominees should submit the materials listed below when they submit their self-nomination. The IUGA Office will contact all other nominees to 1) confirm they are interested and willing to stand in the election and 2) to request the materials below. 

Nomination Materials

  • CV
  • Position Statement/Statement of Interest in the elected position noting experience relevant to the position
  • Photo (which will be posted online during the voting period)
  • Disclosure Form

Nominations, including self-nominations, must be submitted to the IUGA Office, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., by 11:59pm CDT on Monday, August 10, 2020.

Qualifications for Open Positions
Vice President

  • Minimum active membership in IUGA: 5 years
  • Previous significant contribution to IUGA (e.g., chairing the Annual Meeting Local Organizing Committee) AND/OR participation on the Advisory Council (Committee Chairs, International Advisory Board representatives, IUJ editors)
  • Attended IUGA Annual Meeting in 3 of past 5 years
  • The duties of the vice president are to:
    • Succeed the president upon the completion of the president’s term
    • Perform, in the absence of the president, all the duties and have all the powers of the president
    • Aid the president in the organization of the association and may serve as the president’s proxy for running meetings
    • Perform such other duties as shall be assigned by the Board of Directors
    • Supervise all committee chairs 


  • Minimum active membership in IUGA: 5 years
  • Previous significant contribution to IUGA (e.g., chairing the Annual Meeting Local Organizing Committee) AND/OR participation on the Advisory Council (Committee Chairs, International Advisory Board representatives, IUJ editors)
  • Proven ability to read financial statements (example – head of department involving budget management)
  • Attended IUGA Annual Meeting in 3 of the past 5 years
  • The duties of the treasurer are to:
    • Ensure that sound financial records are kept, that sound financial practices are in place, that appropriate financial reports are provided on a regular basis to the board and that necessary bank account for the association’s funds are established.
    • Serve as the primary contact with the Executive Office in the development of a budget for the Board’s consideration.
    • Submit a financial report to the membership of the association for its review at the association’s Annual Business Meeting.

International Advisory Board Representative

  • Minimum active membership in IUGA: 5 years
  • Be a resident in the region to be represented
  • Demonstrated commitment to IUGA and evidence of leadership/involvement in the development of urogynecology in the region
  • Attended IUGA Annual Meeting in 3 of past 5 years
  • The duties of IAB members are to:
    • Meet with and counsel the Board of Directors
    • Serve as a member of the IUGA Membership Committee
    • Initiate symposia and other educational activities in their respective home region 

Committee Chairs

  • Minimum active membership in IUGA: 5 years
  • Active member of committee with significant contribution (i.e., subcommittee chair, working group/project chair)
  • Attended IUGA Annual Meeting in 2 of past 3 years
  • The duties of the committee chairs are to guide the work of their committee so that it achieves its mandate and achieves its statues annual objectives 

Nominating Committee Member-at-Large

  • Minimum active membership in IUGA: 5 years
  • Attended IUGA Annual Meeting in 3 of the past 5 years
  • The duties of the Nominating Committee are to prepare and submit to the Board of Directors at each Annual Meeting nominations for each elected office 

Scientific Committee Member

  • Minimum active membership in IUGA: 5 years
  • Attended IUGA Annual Meeting in 3 of past 5 years
  • The duties of the Scientific Committee members are to:
    • Advise on Annual Meeting program content
    • Judge abstract submissions in a blinded fashion

The Nominating Committee
The Nominating Committee is comprised of the president, immediate past president, two elected members, and one member appointed by the president. The current members of the Nominating Committee are:

  • Lynsey Hayward, Chair (Immediate Past President)
  • Ranee Thakar (President)
  • Heinz Kölbl (Member-at-Large)
  • Tsia-Shu Lo (Member-at-Large)
  • Anna Rosamilia (Appointed)

Nominations will be accepted May 11 – August 10, 2020. Candidates will be announced, and nominations taken from the floor, during the Annual Business Meeting in September. Online voting will be conducted October 1-30, 2020 with election results announced in November. If one candidate for a particular position does not receive a majority (over 50%) of the vote, a run-off election will be conducted November 4 – December 4, with the results announced the second week of December.