History Committee


Pelvic floor problems have been a part of human history for millennia. Ancient civilizations, including the Egyptians, documented their treatment of urogynecological issues like Pelvic Organ Prolapse (POP), fistulas, and perineal lacerations. Despite this rich history, IUGA currently lacks a comprehensive overview of the evolution of urogynecology. Recognizing the importance of understanding our past to shape a better future, we propose the formation of a dedicated History Committee. The establishment of a History Committee aims to capture, preserve, and promote the rich history of urogynecology and the contributions of IUGA.


The History Committee will be responsible for the following initiatives:

  • Promotion of Historical Study: Encourage research and publication on the history of urogynecology in its entirety.
  • Documenting IUGA's Journey: Write and publish a comprehensive book detailing the history and evolution of the IUGA.
  • Annual Meeting Segment: Organize a dedicated session during the IUGA Annual Meeting focusing on historical aspects of the field.
  • Integration into Education: Ensure that historical perspectives are included in fellowship training, fostering an appreciation of past methodologies and innovations.
  • Dedicated Journal Section: Collaborate with the editorial team of the IUGA's journal to introduce a historical section, ensuring continuous engagement with the association's past.
  • Preservation Efforts: Launch initiatives to preserve older materials, be it books, thesis papers, or films, ensuring they are archived and made accessible. Consider the establishment of an IUGA 'museum', whether digital, physical, or a combination of both.




Mark Vierhout (The Netherlands)

Committee Members:

  • Bob Freeman (United Kingdom)
  • Donald Ostergard (USA)
  • Fred Milani (The Netherlands)
  • Hans Van Geelen (The Netherlands)
  • Harold Drutz (Canada)
  • Harry Vervest (The Netherlands)
  • Kari Bø (Norway)
  • Lynsey Hayward (New Zealand)
  • Peter Dwyer (Australia)
  • Peter Sand (USA)
  • Rebecca Rogers (USA)