- Joint Terminology Report: Terminology Standardization for Female Bladder Pain Syndrome
Female bladder pain syndrome (FBPS), previously known as interstitial cystitis/bladder pain syndrome, is a life-altering and morbid condition that occurs primarily in female patients and can be variable in presentation. Given the absence of pathognomonic symptoms and sensitive diagnostic tests, significant symptomatic overlap with numerous other pelvic conditions (such as pelvic floor tension myalgia or endometriosis) occurring in women makes diagnosis of FBPS challenging. The frequent co-occurrence of FBPS with other pain conditions and functional somatic syndromes further complicates diagnosis and management. The challenges have limited the progress made in understanding the pathophysiology of the condition and improving approaches to treatment and prevention. Improvement in standardization of the terminology used to describe this unique condition is needed to improve the accuracy of diagnosis and the clinical care for affected patients. Given the variability in presentation and the differing definitions for the condition world-wide, the American Urogynecologic Society and the International Urogynecologic Association convened a joint writing group to standardize terminology around common signs and symptoms of the condition and to clarify the diagnosis as it pertains to female patients with the condition. After careful consideration of a broad range of available data and clinical experiences, consensus opinion recommended adopting the term "FBPS" instead of the misleading "interstitial cystitis" to describe a chronic, intermittent condition of at least 3 months' duration affecting women involving symptoms of pain or discomfort localized to the bladder, often with bladder filling, which are not attributed to other pathology. This term will allow clinicians, researchers, and learners alike to standardize their understanding of FBPS.
Joint Terminology Report: Terminology Standardization for Female Bladder Pain Syndrome. Urogynecology (Phila). 2025 Jan 6. doi: 10.1097/SPV.0000000000001591. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 39750030.
- Consensus definitions and interpretation templates for dynamic ultrasound imaging of defecatory pelvic floor disorders
Proceedings of the consensus meeting of the pelvic floor disorders consortium of the American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons, the Society of Abdominal Radiology, the International Continence Society, the American Urogynecologic Society, the International Urogynecological Association, and the Society of Gynecologic Surgeons.
Alshiek, J., Murad-Regadas, S.M., Mellgren, A. et al. Consensus definitions and interpretation templates for dynamic ultrasound imaging of defecatory pelvic floor disorders. Int Urogynecol J (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00192-022-05414-z
- An International Continence Society (ICS)/ International Urogynecological Association (IUGA) joint report on the terminology for the assessment and management of obstetric pelvic floor disorders
The aim of this Working Group was to develop a Terminology Report as a definitional document, collating the definitions of those terms, related to obstetric pelvic floor disorders. This document will include definitions of perineal and pelvic floor trauma and associated disorders. Definitions of pelvic floor disorders that occur during pregnancy and up to 12 months postpartum will be considered for inclusion, for the purpose of this document. The rationale for this choice was based on evidence around the effect of pregnancy, childbirth and postnatal factors on the pelvic floor and the natural history of pelvic floor function recovery postnatally as well as possible influences of breastfeeding.
Doumouchtsis, S.K., de Tayrac, R., Lee, J. et al. An International Continence Society (ICS)/ International Urogynecological Association (IUGA) joint report on the terminology for the assessment and management of obstetric pelvic floor disorders. Int Urogynecol J (2022).
- Joint Report on Terminology for Cosmetic Gynecology
Cosmetic gynecology (also known as female genital plastic and cosmetic surgery) lacks standardized nomenclature and procedural definitions. The field is widely understood to encompass an array of interventions to alter the aesthetic appearance of the vulva but is usually also understood to include some elective procedures on the vagina aiming to enhance sexual function. These procedures are typically but not exclusively performed by gynecologists or plastic surgeons, and the terminology used varies by medical specialty and across individual practitioners. The adoption of several colloquial or trademarked phrases (e.g., “O-Shot”), for marketing purposes, has additionally resulted in widespread ambiguity and uncertainty about the aims and actual surgical techniques used in the field.
Developed by the Joint Writing Group of the International Urogynecological Association and the American Urogynecologic Society. Joint Report on Terminology for Cosmetic Gynecology. Int Urogynecol J (2022).
- IUGA report on reporting urodynamics in women
Urodynamics (UDS) are the current gold standard investigations to explain pathology in lower urinary tract dysfunction. The role of UDS is to answer a urodynamic question [1] based on reproducing the patient’s symptoms (http://wiki.ics.org/file/view/Good_Urodynamic_Practices-_Uroflowmetry,_Filling_Cystometry,_and_Pressure-Flow_Studies.pdf). Despite the introduction of several standardization documents on terminology [2] and methodology for performing UDS and the standard of equipment required [3], there remains no standardization on how to report and therefore how to interpret UDS findings. The lack of guidance in this specific area may undermine the value of this extremely important tool in the patient evaluation. The aim of this document is to propose a standardized proforma and checklist for the reporting of urodynamic studies (Fig. 1, supplemental material); the main text discusses the rationale for the proforma.
Writing group of the International Urogynecological Association. IUGA report on reporting urodynamics in women. Int Urogynecol J (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00192-021-04742-w
The following are being recognized for their contributions to this article: Philip Toozs-Hobson, Javier Pizarro-Berdichevsky, Vivian Sung and Fiona Bach.
- Consensus Definitions and Interpretation Templates for Fluoroscopic Imaging of Defecatory Pelvic Floor Disorders
The Pelvic Floor Disorders Consortium (PFDC) is a multidisciplinary organization of colorectal surgeons, urogynecologists, urologists, gynecologists, gastroenterologists, radiologists, physiotherapists, and other advanced care practitioners. Because all these specialists are dedicated to the care of patients with pelvic floor disorders, but sometimes approach evaluation and treatment of patients with pelvic floor complaints with differing perspectives, the PFDC was formed to arrange collaboration between these specialties. The PFDC’s goal is to collaborate to develop and evaluate educational programs, create clinical guidelines and algorithms, and promote overall quality of care in this unique population. The following recommendations arising from this effort represent the work product of the PFDC Working Group on Fluoroscopic Imaging of Pelvic Floor Disorders. The objective was to generate inclusive, rather than prescriptive, guidance for all practitioners, irrespective of discipline, in the care and treatment of patients with pelvic floor disorders. This process was intended to clarify which domains of fluoroscopic defecography have consensus among multidisciplinary experts, and which areas deserve further dedicated research.
Paquette, Ian M.D.1; Rosman, David M.D.2; El Sayed, Rania M.D.3; Hull, Tracy M.D.4; Kocjancic, Ervin M.D.5; Quiroz, Lieschen M.D.6; Palmer, Susan M.D.7; Shobeiri, Abbas M.D., M.B.A.8; Weinstein, Milena M.D.9; Khatri, Gaurav M.D.10; Bordeianou, Liliana M.D., M.P.H.11; Members of the Expert Workgroup on Fluoroscopic Imaging of Pelvic Floor Disorders Consensus Definitions and Interpretation Templates for Fluoroscopic Imaging of Defecatory Pelvic Floor Disorders, Diseases of the Colon & Rectum: January 2021 - Volume 64 - Issue 1 - p 31-44 doi: 10.1097/DCR.0000000000001829
- Joint report on terminology for surgical procedures to treat pelvic organ prolapse
Surgeries for pelvic organ prolapse (POP) are common, but standardization of surgical terms is needed to improve the quality of investigation and clinical care around these procedures. The American Urogynecologic Society and the International Urogynecologic Association convened a joint writing group consisting of 5 designees from each society to standardize terminology around common surgical terms in POP repair including the following: sacrocolpopexy (including sacral colpoperineopexy), sacrocervicopexy, uterosacral ligament suspension, sacrospinous ligament fixation, iliococcygeus fixation, uterine preservation prolapse procedures or hysteropexy (including sacrohysteropexy, uterosacral hysteropexy, sacrospinous hysteropexy, anterior abdominal wall hysteropexy, Manchester procedure), anterior prolapse procedures (including anterior vaginal repair, anterior vaginal repair with graft, and paravaginal repair), posterior prolapse procedures (including posterior vaginal repair, posterior vaginal repair with graft, levator plication, and perineal repair), and obliterative prolapse repairs (including colpocleisis with hysterectomy, colpocleisis without hysterectomy, and colpocleisis of the vaginal vault). Each of these terms is clearly defined in this document including the required steps of the procedure, surgical variations, and recommendations for procedural terminology.
The final publication is available at http://www.link.springer.com
Int Urogynecol J (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00192-020-04236-1 - Joint report on the terminology for surgical procedures to treat stress urinary incontinence in women
Standardized terminology for surgical procedures commonly performed to treat stress urinary incontinence in women is needed to facilitate research, clinical care, and teaching in female pelvic medicine and reconstructive surgery.
This report combines the input of members of the American Urogynecologic Society and the International Urogynecological Association, assisted by external referees. Extensive searches of the literature were performed, including Instructions for Use brochures and original source documents where possible. Historical context was considered along with procedural modifications, and expert opinion was included when appropriate.
A terminology report for the procedures commonly performed to treat stress urinary incontinence in women was produced. Included procedures are midurethral sling, retropubic colposuspension, pubovaginal sling, urethral bulking, and artificial urinary sphincter. Appropriate figures have been included to supplement and help clarify the text. Ongoing review will be performed periodically to keep the document updated and widely acceptable.
This document is a literature and consensus-based terminology report for surgical procedures to treat stress urinary incontinence in women. Future publications in female pelvic medicine and reconstructive surgery should use this standardized terminology whenever possible.
The final publication is available at http://www.link.springer.com
Int Urogynecol J (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00192-020-04237-0 - Joint position statement on the management of mesh-related complications for the FPMRS specialist
The scientific approach to categorizing mesh complications and optimal methods to address them have been complicated by the rapid proliferation and evolution of materials and techniques that have been used over the past 20 years in surgical treatment of pelvic floor disorders. In addition, terminology used to diagnose and categorize mesh complications and the descriptions of surgical procedures to manage them have been adopted inconsistently, further hampering the development of a collective experience with a standardized lexicon. Finally, much of the high-quality data on management of mesh complications is based on materials that are rarely used or not commercially available today.
The final publication is available at http://www.link.springer.com
Int Urogynecol J (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00192-020-04248-x - An International Urogynecological Association (IUGA)/International Continence Society (ICS) Joint Report on the Terminology for the Assessment of Sexual Health of Women with Pelvic Floor Dysfunction
The terminology in current use for sexual function and dysfunction in women with pelvic floor disorders lacks uniformity, which leads to uncertainty, confusion, and unintended ambiguity. The terminology for the sexual health of women with pelvic floor dysfunction needs to be collated in a clinically-based consensus report. This report combines the input of members of the Standardization and Terminology Committees of two International Organizations, the International Urogynecological Association (IUGA), and the International Continence Society (ICS), assisted at intervals by many external referees. Internal and external review was developed to exhaustively examine each definition, with decision-making by collective opinion (consensus). Importantly, this report is not meant to replace, but rather complement current terminology used in other fields for female sexual health and to clarify terms specific to women with pelvic floor dysfunction.
The final publication is available at http://www.link.springer.com
Int Urogynecol J (2018) 29: 647–666
DOI 10.1007/s00192-018-3603-9 - An International Urogynecological Association (IUGA)/International Continence Society (ICS) joint report on the terminology for the conservative and nonpharmacological management of female pelvic floor dysfunction (2016)
There has been an increasing need for the terminology on the conservative management of female pelvic floor dysfunction to be collated in a clinically based consensus report.
Bo, K., Frawley, H.C., Haylen, B.T. et al. An International Urogynecological Association (IUGA)/International Continence Society (ICS) joint report on the terminology for the conservative and nonpharmacological management of female pelvic floor dysfunction. Int Urogynecol J 28, 191–213 (2017).
- IUGA-ICS Joint Report on the Terminology for reporting outcomes of surgical procedures for (Female) Pelvic Organ Prolapse (2012)
The final publication is available at http://link.springer.com
Int Urogynecol J (2012) 23:527–535
DOI 10.1007/s00192-012-1726-y - IUGA-ICS Joint Report on the Terminology and Classification of Complications arising from Native Tissue Female Pelvic Floor Surgery (2012)
The final publication is available at http://link.springer.com
Int Urogynecol J (2012) 23:515–526
DOI 10.1007/s00192-011-1659-x - IUGA-ICS Joint Report on the Terminology and Classification of Complications directly arising from the insertion of Prostheses (meshes, implants, tapes) and Grafts in Female Pelvic Floor Surgery (2011)
The final publication is available at http://link.springer.com
Int Urogynecol J (2011) 22:3–15
DOI 10.1007/s00192-010-1324-9 - IUGA-ICS Joint Report on the Terminology for Female Pelvic Floor Dysfunction (2010)
The final publication is available at http://link.springer.com
Int Urogynecol J (2010) 21:5–26
DOI 10.1007/s00192-009-0976-9