
Call for Writing Group Members Opinion Paper on ODS

The IUGA Research & Development Committee is seeking for 3 to 5 volunteers to contribute to the development of an opinion paper on Obstructed Defecation Syndrome: Management of Clinical and Proctographic rectoceles and early grade rectorectal intussusception.

Posterior vaginal prolapse (rectocele) is a common morphological condition in patients with Obstructive Defecation Syndrome. Typical symptoms include Incomplete Evacuation, Transanal or Transvaginal Digitation and Soiling. Diagnosis of posterior vaginal prolapse is made clinically. Functional assessment of posterior vaginal prolapse can be performed by dynamic imaging, e.g. by defecating proctograms or magnetic resonance (MR) defecography.

The review focuses on the treatment options of women with Posterior Vaginal Prolapse presenting with Obstructed Defecation Syndrome either on clinical examination or on imaging. The writing group will review the literature on the management of women with Posterior Vaginal Wall Prolapse whose predominant presenting symptom is obstructed defecation. The review will involve the assessment and treatment of Obstructed Defecation in the remit of a urogynecologist.

The outcome of Transvaginal Repair of Posterior Vaginal Prolapse as a safe and effective first line treatment in women with marked obstructed defecation will be evaluated.


  • Population: Women with Obstructed Defecation Syndrome and with various stages of Posterior Vaginal Prolapse on clinical examination.
  • Intervention: Conservative management/medical treatment/Posterior vaginal repair with various techniques (midline fascial plication or defect specific repair)/ Ventral Mesh Rectopexy.
  • Comparison: Women with Obstructed Defecation without a clinically evident posterior vaginal wall prolapse and have a radiologically evident rectocele or rectorectal intussuseption undergoing any of the above treatments.
  • Outcome measures: Improvement of Obstructed Defecation Syndrome.

Timeline: This project is expected to begin in September 2022 and conclude by September 2023.

Contributor Expectations:
- The manuscript will be developed using a collaborative process that requires regular communication via email, possible conference calls, and completion of assignments.
- Contributors will produce and deliver all completed assignments and required information on or before the agreed deadlines.
- Contributors will disclose all potential conflicts of interest (see Conflict of Interest Policy here). 

Current IUGA members are eligible to apply.

How to Apply:
Please submit the following to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by Monday August 8, 2022:
1. A letter of interest that includes your qualifications and experience related to this topic
2. Your CV
3. Complete the Disclosure Form

Application Deadline:
Applications must be received by 11:59pm CET on Monday August 8, 2022