Debjyoti Karmakar

Debjyoti Karmakar

Tell us about where you currently live (city/country) and how you ended up in this location.

Melbourne, Australia. Came here to do a Urogynaecology fellowship and never went back!

Tell us about your work - your job title, where you work, how long you've worked in the field, areas of focus or research, etc.

Consultant Obstetrician Gynaecologist and Pelvic floor surgeon. Mercy Health, Melbourne, Victoria. Worked here for the last 3.5 years. Areas of focus and research are pelvic floor dysfunction.

When and why did you decide to join IUGA?

I was looking for resources and training opportunities in Urogynaecology and IUGA is the perfect platform for this!

What has been your most rewarding and memorable IUGA experience?

Getting the IUGA clinical fellowship grant for 2013 which gave me the opportunity to do a year of Urogynaecology fellowship in the UK. Also getting the best abstract prize for Physician in training at the annual conference in Vienna 2018.

What is the last book you read or movie you saw? Would you recommend it?

Last book: Sapiens. Last movie: documentary called 'First Footprints' which tells the stories of the indigenous Australian settlers. Highly recommend both.

What are your hobbies? What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?

Hobbies are: Staying fit, travelling, and reading.

What is one "fun fact" about you?

I am big time into weightlifting (Olympic style weightlifting). I love the sport and compete too.