• November 11, 2021 at 12:00PM UTC
  • Free!
IUGA and ICS Webinar - What You Need to Know About Pelvic Nerve Entrapment

This webinar is jointly organized with the International Continence Society.

Have trouble managing nerve entrapment? In this session we will discuss how to diagnose and treat nerve entrapment, and to discuss established versus cutting edge approaches in balance, with citation of available data. Take-home pearls will be advised for the audience to use in clinical practice, as well as strategies to refer for specialized care.


On-demand access to IUGA Webinars is a benefit of IUGA membership. Please visit the Video Library and log in with your IUGA credentials to watch this recording. Not a member? Join today!


Ernesto Delgado Cidranes
Ernesto Delgado CidranesSpain
Ernesto Delgado Cidranes MD, PhD. NeuroAnesthesiologist, Critical Care & Pain Management Head of Service Vithas Internacional Hospital and La Milagrosa Hospital, Madrid Professor at the Complutense University of Madrid and the Comillas University of Madrid IUGA SIG Chair Neuro-urogynecology & Urogenital Pain
Nucelio Lemos
Nucelio LemosCanada
Associate Professor of Obstetrics and Gynaecology - University of Toronto Faculty of Medicine Functional Pelvic Surgery & Neuropelveology International Society of Neuropelveology Founding Member and 1st Vice President Course Chair, Advanced Retroperitoneal Anatomy and Neuro-anatomy of the Pelvis.


Elise De
Elise DeUSA
Elise De, MD Associate Professor of Surgery, Department of Urology – Harvard Medical School Director Neurourology, Spaulding Rehabilitation Network Chair, Education Committee, International Continence Society