In an effort to promote global urogynecological training and dissemination of information, IUGA offers three observership grants annually. We are looking to enhance our observership program by increasing the number of approved host sites at which observerships can be conducted. Is your institution an approved host site?
If your institution meets the host site requirements below, we encourage you to apply to be a host site!
- Is an IUGA member in good standing
- Has an excellent clinical reputation and scientific record (two or more original research publications in the past 2 years)
- Has an adequate patient load and/or has a specific focus area of expertise of interest to potential fellows and/or observers
- Has experience and vacancy to host and supervise an IUGA fellow/observer
- Has the resources to help accomplish a research project in 12 months (for fellowships)
- Will indicate the requirements and assist in obtaining work permission for training according to local government, medial board and hospital regulations (for fellowships)
- Provides a list of special research interests and local facilities (e.g. laboratories, multi-disciplinary unites) for the IUGA website
- Provides a list of local requirements for fellows including Medical Board registration, language tests, Visa, work permits
- Provide a list of any necessary local training requirements for observers, if any
- The host site director may encourage any potential fellow to apply for a fellowship grant and may assign the same research project to all potential applicants since only one fellow will be selected by the IUGA subcommittee in a given year.
If you wish to be a host site for IUGA fellows/observers, please complete the online application form and submit it, with your CV, to the IUGA Office via email to