After careful and deliberate consideration, we have decided to postpone the 45th Annual Meeting of the International Urogynecological Association (IUGA) to September 2-5, 2020, in recognition of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak which is now established to be a pandemic. Until recently we felt optimistic that June was far enough away to confidently proceed with our plans. However, as it stands today (March 18), the potential reach of COVID-19 has changed significantly making it difficult to accurately assess its risks. While this is not a decision we have taken lightly, our Board felt strongly that making a pro-active and timely decision on this matter is beneficial to all parties involved.
The health and safety of all attendees and the patients they care for is our first priority. In addition, we are already seeing the impact of the travel restrictions issued by countries, academic institutions, hospitals and industry partners on the attendance of delegates, faculty and sponsors/exhibitors for our originally planned dates. Therefore, at this time, we find ourselves unable to guarantee the most important thing our attendees and industry partners trust us above all else to deliver – a well-attended, high-quality, premier global urogynecology meeting.
We would like to thank you for your patience. We are confident that with your continued support we will make the 45th Annual Meeting possible and as successful as always. We appreciate your commitment and flexibility and look forward to seeing you in The Hague, The Netherlands later this year!
Additional information regarding hotel reservation cancellations, registration refunds, and meeting logistics is available on the FAQ page on our meeting website