Founded in January 2010, the International Academy of Pelvic Surgery, which provides access to countless educational resources using state-of-the-art technologies to refresh, review, and learn new and emerging research and surgical techniques from top thought leaders in the pelvic surgery field. The creation of Mark Walters, Mickey Karram, and Cheryl Perrero, this incredible collection of more than 500 videos has made a significant contribution to training in our field. Following their announcement at the IUGA 48th Annual Meeting that they have chosen to donate this extraordinary resource in its entirety to IUGA, and in recognition of their hard work in creating this incredible resource, and for all they did for IAPS and for urogynecology as a whole, it our pleasure to present Mickey, Cheryl, and Mark with the IUGA Special Service Pin.
Cheryl Perrero Mark Walters Mickey Karram