
New Spanish Resources Page

Como organización internacional, tenemos recursos disponibles para nuestros miembros en varios idiomas.

New Video on Research Resources

IUGA supports your research! Find out how!

New Video on Bladder Care Available

Check out Angie Rantell's presentation Intrapartum and postpartum bladder care!

Collaboration with Pelvic Floor Disorders Consortium

IUGA is pleased to announce the endorsement of the first in a series of Pelvic Floor Disorders Consortium documents.

Urodynamics Manuscript Published by IUGA Writing Group

Urodynamics (UDS) is the current gold standard investigation for explaining pathology in lower urinary tract dysfunction.

Pelvic Floor Imaging Webinars

The IUGA Pelvic Floor Imaging SIG has a new webinar series!

Guideline on Best Practice in the Use of Vaginal Pessaries

 The UK Clinical Guideline for best practice in the use of vaginal pessaries for pelvic organ prolapse is now available! 

Interactive Networking Sessions

The IUGA Board is delighted to launch interactive networking sessions to get us all re-connected!