
IUGA President's Letter

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

It’s hard to believe that the 2019 joint AUGS/IUGA Scientific Meeting is only a month away! Our annual meeting is always one of the highlights of the year for me, and this year I have the additional honor of welcoming you to the meeting as your president. I am looking forward to catching up with friends and colleagues and making new connections. I hope you are too!

IUGA is all about education. The meeting will include the usual types of high-caliber sessions you’ve come to expect at our meeting, such as didactic and hands-on workshops, state of the art lectures, debates, panel discussions, roundtables and the like. But even better, our collaboration with AUGS has allowed us to bring you the best educational features of each society’s annual meeting, allowing all of our members and attendees to benefit. Basic scientists can take advantage of a one-day track on Translational Medicine: Re-thinking the Science of the Pelvic Floor, while nurses and physiotherapists will appreciate the Allied Health Track focusing on multidisciplinary assessment and treatment of chronic pelvic pain and sexual dysfunction. Fellows and physicians-in-training will find Fellows’ Day to be a unique educational experience geared to their stage of career development. Others might be interested in the 1.5-day CME course, Fundamentals of Urogynecology, in which some of our specialty’s most renowned experts share their insights and help physicians improve the quality of patient care, or you can attend the Surgical Tutorials on Thursday and Friday.

It seems now more than ever we are all faced with trying to do more with less – less money, less staff, less time – especially in this age of digital multitasking. Learn how to reduce distractions in order to improve productivity at this year’s Keynote Lecture by Paul Mohapel. And, be sure to join us as we look ahead to 2040 with this year’s Ulf Ulmsten Lecture, Curing Pelvic Floor Disorders in 2040: Measuring Sex and Other Aspects of Pelvic Floor Function, presented by our IUJ co-editor-in-chief, Rebecca Rogers.

As practitioners and researchers, we hope that when all is said and done, everything we do on a daily basis improves the quality of care our patients receive and improves their lives. While the Annual Meeting allows us to stay abreast of the latest in urogynecological research and techniques, it’s also important to stay attuned to our patients’ stories and make sure we educate them about their pelvic floor and available treatment options. The media has been flooded recently with negative stories about mesh, and while we do have to acknowledge the controversies around mesh use, we also need to make sure our patients have access to sound information and a balanced perspective. To that end, we have added a new feature to our patient website, www.YourPelvicFloor.org, to allow patients to share their stories and to read the stories of women just like themselves. I encourage you to take a look at this new feature and encourage your patients to share their own story.

I look forward to seeing you all in Nashville. If you are unable to join us this year, don’t be dismayed! A good portion of content will be captured during the meeting and made available in the future on the IUGA Academy.

Best wishes,

Ranee Thakar

Ranee Thakar

Seeking Nominations for Elected IUGA Positions

Now is your chance to get more involved with your association! We are seeking nominations (self-nominations are acceptable) for the following elected positions*:

Board of Directors
Secretary – 2-year term, renewable once

International Advisory Board (IAB)
Africa Representative – 3-year term, non-renewable
Oceania/Australasia Representative – 3-year term, non-renewable

Committee Chairs
Education Committee Chair – 2-year term, renewable once
Fellows, Trainees & Early Career Professionals Committee Chair - 2-year term, renewable once
Membership Committee Chair – 2-year term, renewable once
Public Relations Committee Chair – 2-year term, renewable once
Publications Committee Chair – 2-year term, renewable once
Research & Development Committee Chair – 2-year term, renewable once

*The term for each of these positions begins January 1, 2020.

Nominations may be submitted by any IUGA member in good standing, including the nominee him or herself. A member may be a candidate for only one position. Those making nominations are asked to reflect on the qualifications related to the position for which they are nominating themselves or a candidate. Qualifications can be reviewed online by clicking HERE.

Nominees are asked to provide the following materials:

  • CV
  • Position Statement/Statement of Interest in the elected position noting experience relevant to the position
  • Photo (which will be posted online during the voting period)
  • Disclosure Form (complete online HERE)

Nominations may be submitted via email to the IUGA Office at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. until 11:59pm CDT on Sunday, September 1, 2019.


Join Urogynecology Case Discussions with MedShr

Developed by doctors, MedShr provides a secure and easy way to discuss cases, by specialty, with verified medical colleagues. IUGA is working with MedShr to help connect our members and support case discussion in urogynecology.

MedShr enables doctors to share and discuss clinical cases in a HIPAA and GMC compliant professional network of over 800,000 members in 190 countries. The app and website are free to use, and only verified professionals are allowed on the platform. Join the IUGA International Urogynecological Association Case Discussion Group today! Sharing a case is simple, and you can event capture images in the app and write a brief description.


2nd Annual Database Challenge

The IUGA Surgical Database allows members to collect pre-, intra-, and post-operative surgical data to review outcomes and complication rates and inform their practice.

Get a feel for how the IUGA Surgical Database can help you inform your practice by participating in the 2nd Annual Database Challenge, October 6-13, 2019. During this week, all members who perform surgery are asked to enter their data. Let’s see what our worldwide data shows us!

All IUGA members can set up a free database account with unlimited use. Make sure you are ready for the Challenge week by registering for your free database account today!



IUGA Launches Improved Find a Provider Page

Activate your Find a Provider Profile* Have you seen our updated Find a Provider service designed to help every woman find the urogynecologist that best suits her needs? Make sure that your profile is activated so that patients can find you, too! Login to your member profile to activate your Find a Provider profile today.

*Inclusion in the Find a Provider dierctory is an IUGA member benefit. Not yet a member? Join here!

August Issue of IUJ Now Available

The August issue of the International Urogynecology Journal is now available! Don't miss out on the latest news and research in the international field of urogynecology!

Click here to find out more about the journal.

If you are a member of IUGA, click here to access the journal.

If you are not a member of IUGA, click here to join!

Future Annual Meetings Survey Now Available

As an organization we want to understand what factors influence a member’s decision whether to attend an Annual Meeting and we need to take these factors into consideration when selecting Annual Meeting locations. Please take this short survey and let us know what factors influence your decision.

To take the survey, click here.

Nursing CME Course now available!

Calling all nurses! You can earn 1.5 CME credits with our new Nursing CME Course with the following modules:

- Assessment of Prolapse and Pessary Sizing by Angie Rantell
- Managing Complications and Trouble-shooting by Ranee Thakar
- Pessary Self Management by Rohna Kearney & Lucy Dwyer
- Patient Expectations Following Pessary Insertion by Ellie Stewart

This educational CME course is appropriate for all health care professionals caring for women with pelvic organ prolapse and pessaries.

To start the course, click here.

*Access to videos and courses on the IUGA Academy are IUGA member benefits. Not yet a member? Join here!

New Database Special Interest Group!*

Knowing surgical outcomes is critical in planning treatment and it forms the cornerstone of surgical practice. We have set up a new Database Special Interest Group (SIG) for practitioners interested in looking at how best to assess outcomes. The aim of the Database SIG is to increase awareness of the importance of measuring outcomes. To join the Database SIG, login to your IUGA member profile, choose the option “Special Interest Groups” in the left menu and check the box for this new SIG. It is that easy!



* Membership in IUGA Special Interest Groups (SIGs) is an IUGA member benefit. Not yet a member? Join here!