On July 1, 2020, 6 teams (13 people per team) began the IUGA Across the World Challenge, a fitness and networking initiative of the Wellness & Mindfulness Special Interest Group. The challenge called upon the teams to virtually walk, run, cycle or swim 16,500 miles – the distance from the home of IUGA Past President Lynsey Hayward in Auckland, New Zealand, to the home of then-President Ranee Thakar in London. That’s no small feat!
Congratulations to Team BSUG!
"Team BSUG” was the first team to complete the challenge! In addition to being the first team to cross the finish line, special kudos to team member Doug Tincello who logged 3,637 miles, and Bob Freeman who raised $924 for FIUGA!
Gillian Fowler
Rohan Bhate
Jan Willem de Leeuw
Bob Freeman
Simon Hill
Timothy Hillard
Swati Jha
Hayser Medina Lucena
Ifeoma Offiah
Nicola Adanna Okeahialam
Abdul Sultan
Ranee Thakar
Doug Tincello
Kandice Wong
Thank you to all of our participants and fundraisers!
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