The December issue of the International Urogynecology Journal is now available! Don't miss out on the latest news and research in the international field of urogynecology!
It is with great sadness that we inform the IUGA community of the passing of one of IUGA’s founding fathers, Bozo Kralj. Dr. Kralj chaired the 1987 Annual Meeting held in Ljubljana, Slovenia, and was a pivotal force in bringing eastern Europe into the IUGA family. Dr. Kralj went on to lead IUGA as President from 1988-1990 and spoke at the very first Regional Symposia held in 2008, also in Ljubljana. In 2009 he was awarded IUGA’s highest honor – the IUGA Lifetime Achievement Award – for his dedication and contributions both to IUGA and the field of urogynecology. His sense of humor, hospitality, and friendship will be missed by many.
We are seeking 4 volunteers to serve on a Writing Group to help establish standardized terminology related to Female Lower Urinary Tract, Pelvic Floor Function and Dysfunction. This will be a joint publication with ICS, AUGS, IUGA and SUFU. It is anticipated that through this collaborative relationship, high quality, globally accessible and internationally recognized and consistent terminology will be developed.
The existing terminology for LUT/PF dysfunction in women, incl. pelvic organ prolapse, anorectal dysfunction and sexual health, needs regular updates in a female-specific approach and clinically-based consensus reports. The original ICS/IUGA report was already published over 10 years ago. A new core report on female LUT/PF dysfunction is therefore required to; (i) incorporate all changes in LUT/PF knowledge and practice obtained in the last 10-12 years; (ii) achieve and exceed the overall clarity, specificity and coverage of the equivalent reports; (iii) prompt the development of follow-on reports. To find out more about the scope of this report, please click here.
To find out more and to apply to become a member of the Writing Group, click here.
Join us on Wednesday, November 18, 2020 at 9:00PM (21:00) UTC as we learn from experts Dr. Susan Orme (UK) and Dr. Tim Hillard (UK) how to best approach urogynecological problems in the older population. To see what time this is for you, click here.
After participating in the webinar, the viewer will have a better understanding of how to:
- Manage nocturia in the elderly
- Optimize vaginal health in the older population
- Use vaginal estrogens and their alternatives
Read the latest issue of the IUGA Spotlight, IUGA's official newsletter. In this issue, we will focus on the ‘take home messages’ from the conference. Our ever-amazing committee has put together a summary of the highlights of the meeting, which I’m sure will act as an informative reminder and reference guide. This issue also includes a Video Spotlight in which we present two interesting complex mesh complication cases. You’ll also get an update on the IUGA Across the World initiative of the new Wellness and Mindfulness Special Interest Group as well as our Foundation fundraising events. As you read about the amazing fundraising efforts of our members, I hope you will all be inspired to get involved!